Adding a Document as a Tab in Microsoft Teams and Dynamics

   Words by Paul McQuillan

   on 15/04/2020 16:00:00

Using DocDrive365, we can open a record in Dynamics and drag a document into that record.

This will upload the document to the SharePoint Location behind the record as the Document Management Platform behind Dynamics 365.

NOTE: This can also be done by Tracking an Email from Outlook to Dynamics and setting the ‘Is Regarding’ field to the intended record in CRM – as this will automatically suck up any attachments and put them into the same area of SharePoint.

If we are using Dynamics for Project Management, then we can find our Project Record and drag the document in.


Looking at a Deliverable Record in CRMCS’s use of Dynamics 365

When DocDrive365 is used with integration with Microsoft Teams, we will be able to see this document in the Files for this Channel.


Each Deliverable is integrated to Teams as a Channel – so the Files area of the Channel is a one-to-one match with Dynamics

We can open the document here within Teams – but more usefully we can then take the Document and Pin as an additional Tab in our Team.

This is particularly useful for a Document that we want to regularly refer back to, or share with other users.

Within CRMCS, we often house a Data Dictionary in this fashion during the Analysis or Build of a Project so we can quickly exchange useful Database Notes or look up the Schema Name of a Field in CRM.

This can be done by highlighting the Document we want to mount as a Tab and then clicking the Make this a tab Button.


This then mounts the document as a new Tab in the Teams Channel for quick reference.

This can then make the document more easily shareable with Members of the Team, particularly external Members who may not have access to full depth of files in SharePoint behind the Team.


It is a simple little tip in Microsoft Teams, but can be tremendously beneficial to help everyone connect with the right information.

Merging this functionality between Dynamics for Email Tracking, SharePoint and Teams can then give us a leg up for keeping our Documents and Activities in one place.

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