Connecting your Docusign Account with DocDrive365 for eSignature in PowerApps

   Words by Paul McQuillan

   on 11/02/2021 08:00:00

DocDrive365 comes with functionality to send PDFs and Documents for eSignature using DocuSign.

This functionality is powered by the Flows in Power Automate using the DocDrive365 Connector.

But to get started we need to configure the details of our DocuSign Account into the DocDrive Settings via the DocDrive Model App.

We can do this by opening the App and drilling down into the Settings Record:


This will open our general settings for how DocDrive is working with Dynamics and SharePoint.

We can navigate into the Docusign Settings Tabs and enter the details about our Docusign Account:


By entering the details here – this instructs DocDrive how to communicate with Docusign.

Our next step is to configure the how, what and when we send from Dynamics or PowerApps to Docusign – which we will look at in the next guide in this series.

NOTE – DocDrive caches these settings to improve performance – but will reset the cache each time any of the settings are changed in the App here; so we will notice a slight slower performance when loading for the first time after updating the Settings here.

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